Dental Implants – 12 things you must know

Dental Implants – 12 things you must know

1. What is a dental implant?

Dental Implants or tooth  implants are a fixed solution that feel and function like normal teeth meaning they don’t move which means that you can eat and smile with confidence.
A dental implant acts as an artificial tooth root and is placed into the jawbone. A dental crown is then placed on the top of that root.  In short these are the nearest thing to have your natural teeth back again.

Today’s implants are made of titanium, a metal that is bio-compatible and offers strength and durability as well as a unique property that allows it to fuse directly to bone – the process known as Osseo integration.


2. Benefits of Tooth Implants:

Firstly, replace loose fitting- dentures

Secondly, maintain bone structure after tooth loss

Improve the appearance of your smile

Boost your confidence

Dental implants function and feel just like natural teeth

Improve chewing and speaking

Prevent bone loss

Long term solution

Finally, it has a high success rate


Below are examples of the life changing results that Dr Nathan Le has achieved with some of our implant patients

3. When can I have dental implant done?

You often need to wait for 4 months after extraction, when your jaw bone is fully healed.
In selected cases, dental implant can be place on the same day of tooth removal.

Where there is not enough jaw bone such as in cases of long term tooth loss, we do bone grafting and/or gum grafting procedures.

4. What is a Cone Beam CT?

Cone Beam CT is a must in Implant Dentistry, it is a special CT scan of the jaw that allow implant Dentist to plan and place dental implants in the optimal position for the best long term outcome.

Best Western Dental have in house CBCT machine, that make it easier to provide the best treatment.

5. How do implants stay in the jaw?

Dental implants work by a process known as osseointegration.  This occurs when bone cells attach themselves directly to the titanium surface, essentially locking the implant into the jaw bone.

Osseointegrated implants can be used to support prosthetic tooth replacements of various designs and functionality, replacing anything from a single missing tooth to a full arch (all teeth in the upper and/or lower jaw). These replacement teeth are usually made to match the natural enamel colour of each patient which offers a completely natural appearance and a whole new smile.

6. What is the overall success rate for tooth implants?

The success rates in the high 90% for most implant patients.

If you smoke, the chances of success drop by at least 30%.

8. How long does it take for implants to fully heal or osseointegrated?

Healing times for implants vary depending on the quality of the patient’s bone and are often extended in cases where adjunctive procedures are necessary.
In general, dental implants require 3-4 months for the bone to heal.

9. How long will dental implants last?

How long do teeth last? Teeth are supposed to last a life time, however it is nor always the case. Thus we use implants to replace missing teeth

We know that dental problems caused by in adequate home care
The same holds true for dental implants.

With proper care and routine dental check-ups they should last a lifetime.

No Dentist can give guarantees because the health of a person is depends on many factors including general health, dental hygiene, genetics, plus disease processes which might occur.

So, the answer to this question is no one knows exactly how long a dental implant will last. The success can be influenced by the way you live and the quality of Doctor that you have chosen to do your implants.

On average they should last from 5 to 20 years

10. How are implants placed?

Dental implants can be place into the jaw using traditional surgery OR 3D Digital Guided Implant placement.

Dental implant surgery or placement procedures are performed in one of our rooms. Local anaesthesia is adequate for a large number of cases. For more complex cases or for very anxious patients we can use Intra-venous Sedation techniques performed by our visiting qualified Seditionist
Adjunctive surgical procedures, such as bone grafting, may be performed as separate procedures or at the same time as implant placement. Each procedure is different depending on the clinical situation.

Dr Nathan Le use 3D Digital Guide Implant placement. The benefits including in less pain, more accurate, faster recovery for patients.

11. Why choosing the right dental implant dentist is so important?

Any certified dentist can legally carry out a dental implant procedure, but this certainly doesn’t mean that you will get the results you want.

The process of planning and placing dental implants requires more specific training and practical skills than most other dental treatments. A number of conditions need to be in place for a successful implant treatment, such as correctly assessing the density and viability of your jaw bone for supporting the implants and properly inserting the implant posts into the bone at the most precise location.

Failure at a surgical level will almost certainly cause your implants to fail and could cause permanent damage to your mouth and face. Even if your implants do remain in place, the final aesthetic result delivered by a sub-standard dental implant surgeon could be considerably less attractive than you had expected.


12. Who are not suitable to get Dental Implants?

Poor general health like uncontrolled Diabetes
Poor bone healing ability when have severe degenerative bone disease Osteo Arthritis and or Osteo Porosis
Heavy Smoker
Individuals with poorly control Psychiatric problems


If you are interested in Dental Implant treatments, then call us now on 4731 4655 or email us to get started on the procedure that will  bring back that smile.

We have been provide implant treatment for patients especially in the Penrith area for over 15 years.

Dr Nathan Le also offer this treatment at Best Western Dental Centre


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