It is important to choose the best Implant Dentist that can offer you the best Dental Implant treatments
What is Dental Implant?
Dental implants designed to replace teeth that have been lost or removed due to severe disease and decay, dental implants are also now chosen by patients who wish to replace one or more teeth with a natural-looking and fully functional prosthetic.
In choosing dental implants, patients can benefit in a number of ways. Some of the key advantages to choosing dental implants include:
Restored tooth function
An attractive smile
Improved confidence and self-esteem
With so many people interested in beginning their own dental implant journey, there are now more dentists offering the service than before. Nevertheless, not all dental implant providers are the same, and this can make choosing the right implant dentist difficult.
Why choosing the right dental implant dentist is so important?
Any certified dentist can legally carry out a dental implant procedure, but this certainly doesn’t mean that you will get the results you want.
The process of planning and placing dental implants requires more specific training and practical skills than most other dental treatments. A number of conditions need to be in place for a successful implant treatment, such as correctly assessing the density and viability of your jaw bone for supporting the implants and properly inserting the implant posts into the bone at the most precise location.
Failure at a surgical level will almost certainly cause your implants to fail and could cause permanent damage to your mouth and face. Even if your implants do remain in place, the final aesthetic result delivered by a sub-standard dental implant surgeon could be considerably less attractive than you had expected.
Ensure your chosen dentist has the relevant dental implant education, training, and experience
One of the most important things to do when searching for an implant dentist is to ask for details concerning their education, training, and experience regarding dental implant procedures. Any good and reputable dentist capable of doing a great job with a dental implant procedure will be happy to provide information about their training and experience. Be cautious of those dentists who state they have completed a short course in the process. Short courses are rarely enough time to gain competency in the basic skills, let alone valuable experience. Check out the information you are given carefully, and if something doesn’t check out, search for a new dentist.
Does the Implant Dentist have the Latest Technology to Diagnose and Treat Your Condition?
Advanced technologies and the latest science not only offer faster diagnosis and treatment but also ensure an effective course of treatment. Some include:
Digital x-rays which are images can be viewed with seconds after being taken as well as having a major reduction in radiation dosage.
CT scanner and planning software which allows viewing three-dimensional computer images of your jawbone obtained by the scan. The software can assess the bone amount and density as well as digitally plan, visualize the proposed implant prior to the actual placement.
Bone grafts, collagen membranes which at times needed for implant placement.
Offer implant placement use: use Guided surgery which place implants in your jaw without damaging soft tissue, technology to avoid overheating bone. Minimal invasive surgery are important factors to minimize post-operative discomfort.
Ask about their commitment to further education
As technology evolves, so too do the tools and techniques that can be used in both medical and dental procedures. Much of this development is done with improving patient safety and aesthetic outcomes in mind. Dentists who are committed to further education are attending workshops, seminars, and training programs that enable them to keep abreast of the latest developments in dental implant procedures.
View their before/after photographs and ask to see reviews from prior implant patients. Don’t forget to check out online reviews too (if they have any) for an all-round feel of the success of their work.
Below are some photos of the Dental Implants done by Dr Nathan Le
If you are looking for a dental implant dentist in the Mid North Coast of NSW, then look no further than Kempsey Dental. Our professional team, led by Dr. Nathan Le, are highly experienced, whose priority is providing patients with a functional and more beautiful smile. Our practice is equiped to prove all dental implant options from simple single tooth implant to the most complex full set of teeth on dental implants.
Dr Le offer the same Dental Implant services at Best Western Dental Centre in Sydney
Call us today on 02 65631313 to book your FREE Dental Implant consultation!