Dental Implant maintenance

18 Jan 2019

Dental Implant maintenance

Dental Implant maintenance is very important as it protect your smile and investment

What can I do to make my implants last?

Good news, looking after your dental implant well, similar to teeth: they can last a long time.

Caring for your dental implants is very similar to caring for your own teeth. Brushing twice a day with a soft toothbrush and flossing daily.  This together with regular professional hygiene visits are important to make implant last the longest.

Just as your natural teeth, if not cared for adequately, teeth can develop gum disease called periodontitis (causes gum and bone recession), neglected dental implants can develop peri-implantitis (gum disease around dental implant) which can cause soft tissue and bone loss. In some cases, this can lead to the loss of your implants.

There are 3 easy steps to maintain your dental implants:

1.Brush at least twice a day around the teeth, gums and abutments with a small, soft toothbrush or interdental brush.

2.Floss frequently to prevent plaque from building up which can lead to gum tissue inflammation and peri-implantitis. Use a water floss for example: Water Pik if normal dental floss could not make it around the implants well.

3.Visit the dentist every 6 months for professional cleaning and check up. The implants should be examined with an x-ray every 1, 3 and 5 years.


Dental Implant maintenance is important, dental implants will last a long time if you take care of them.

For more information about Dental Implants, click the link to read about Dental Implants FAQs

Kempsey Dental Centre offer all Dental Implant treatment and maintenance.  Call us on 65631313 if you have any questions.

Dr Nathan Le offer this same service at Best Western Dental Centre in Sydney.

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